Monday, October 20, 2008

Rollin' Rollin'

Yesterday afternoon I had Joshua on his tummy, which he hates but we've been advised that he needs 30min of tummy time everyday, and we were singing and talking and then....ROLLING! I couldn't believe it. My little man is growing so fast and because he's probably our last one it was an exciting but sad moment all at once.


Anonymous said...

how exciting!!! soon he'll be walking. jk

Kimberly said...

Wow, it does happen fast. McKell has been rolling over now for a couple of months and she never stays in one place for long now. I love that picture of him, it's so precious!!

The Randall Family said...

First of all, I love that picture! Wow, he's rolling already? They grow up way too fast don't they!?!

Stephers said...

Sheesh! That is quick. My kids always wait til about 5-6 months to roll... that helps me keep my sanity a little longer

Mama Mattei said...

Well, I can only say that RJ was up and walking around furniture by the time he was 5 months old. . .get your track shoes back on. . . Love you, mom