September 7, 2008 was a special day for our family as we got to bless Joshua. We were able to share this special event with Grandma and Grandpa Brockbank and our friends Jeff and Jamie. Grandma and Grandpa flew in from Salt Lake City, UT and Jeff and Jamie came from Arvada which is about 40 miles away from us and because we have 9:00 a.m. church they had to get up super early to get there 3 kids and themselves ready in order to be at our service on time. What great friends and family we have! Brock gave a very touching blessing and we really appreciate those who were able to be there to support our family. Thank You!
Oh my gosh he is such a handsome little guy! Yay he got blessed on my birthday too! : )
He is so cute. I love the feet.
Becca, what a darling family! Your three little girls are so funny (I love the wrapping paper story). So fun to keep up with you:)
Love, Karlie
Sure wish we could have been there too. He is a beautiful little boy. Love, mom
Hello Becca!! Do you remember me, it's Kimberly (Griffin) Dickey from our Freshman/Sophomore year at BYU along with Kirstin and Karlie. We roomed together and had a lot of fun! I found your blog through Natalie's so I hope you don't mind. Wow, you have 4 beautiful children!! I've been married for over 4 years now to a great guy named Nick and we have two kids, Caleb who is 2 and McKell who just turned 5 months. We live in American Fork, UT and own a nice home. You can check out my blog if you'd like thedickeydaily.blogspot. It is private so just email me at kimber3751@yahoo.com and I'll invite you to view it if ya want to. It was great to catch up with you!! Hope to hear from ya soon!
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