Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Joshua!

Whew! It's been awhile. July 25 we celebrated Joshua's 1st birthday. I can't believe how fast this year has gone and the older they get the faster the years go by! I love this stage of life. It is so fun watching his personality come out and interact with his sisters. He is so happy and active! And already a tease! I just love this little man!

The ribbon was his favorite thing the whole night!

Daddy's taking the ribbon away so we can have some cake.

Oh, poor baby:-(

Mmmm cake.

A birthday's not a birthday without your birthday suit.


Stephers said...

What a cutie! Looks like a fun party~

Mama Mattei said...

Wish I could have been there to pinch that cute little bottom! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOSHUA1 Love, Grandma

Unknown said...

He-he! These pictures are so cute. God bless the little one. This reminds me that my nephew will also turn one this month and since he has already started walking, I must look for a nice venue NYC for his birthday celebration so that he can have a big space to roam around and have fun.