On November 15 we went to the BYU vs. Airforce game up in Colorado Springs. We drove up with our friends Jeff and Jamie and then met up with another couple, Curtis and Jen, once we got there. We were at the 50 yard line and only like 10 rows up. The weather was perfect, sunny and 55-60 degrees. It was a close first half and BYU was making us nervous but they came through in the second with a final score of 38-24. Before the game ever started Airforce had their jets do a fly by and poor Joshua got so scared from the noise. He freaked out and was difficult the whole first half so I missed most of that but by the time the second half started he had passed out. THANKFULLY!! Here are some pictures from the game.
Those looked like great seats!! I still love cheering for BYU! And your kids looked so cute for Halloween too. Good to hear from ya!
What a fun time at the game. It sounds like you guys had great seats. I can't believe how big Joshua is getting already!
Thank you so much. I can't believe that she's growing up so fast. It makes me kinda sad. You look SOOOO good! You seriously look beautiful and your family is so cute. You guys are seriously such a beautiful family!
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