Both Hands! 3-4 years ago I fell on my wrist and had an excruciating amount of pain. I did not go to the doctor because it didn't swell or turn bluish black so I figured whatever happened would work itself out. Well the pain continued to get worse over the course of a few years and a bump appeared on the top of my wrist.

A year ago I went to the doctor to have it x-rayed and although the x-ray showed nothing the doctor believed it was a ganglion cyst so to be sure she sent me to a wrist doctor. Well, being pregnant with Joshua, I was unable to get to the specialist but about a month ago I finally made it in and sure enough it was a ganglion cyst, which is just a fluid filled sac that plants itself between the joints most commonly the wrist and hands. 10 days ago I had it surgically removed and had to wear a cast. The cast came off yesterday and though my wrist and hand aren't yet that functional and I'll have to do a month of physical therapy to get it working fully again I am sooooo glad to have both hands free again!

The doctor had to chisel some of the wrist bone out in order to get the root of the cyst to lessen the chances of it growing back so my wrist is swollen and my hand is bruised so, because of the pain and discomfort, I was unable to use my hand as a support to pick things up, change diapers, load kids in the car, cook, clean, drive, and anything else. It was a very frustrating and interesting 10 days. And it was only 10 days and I'm grateful for that and I've never appreciated both hands more than I do now!